Social Growth Engineers

From $0 to $80,000 MRR in 70 Days with Rayz App

3 min read

This AI app was released 70 days ago, they made 40M+ views on TikTok over the summer, scaling to $80,000 in monthly revenue. Now, the team is applying the exact same strategy to their next AI app. This is the faceless strategy they are using:

This AI tanning app, Rayz, ran this scheme to 40M+ views: They went through TikTok profiles until they found great-looking, tanned girls, downloaded their videos, resized them, cut them into a perfect 2.5-second frame, added a POV hook, and turned them to:

It’s genius. Rayz raked up millions of views and app downloads just by re-using & re-framing existing content. You’ll find their three accounts: @rachel.mossssy, @j3ss1caspam, @charl111111e:

Format wise, they copied Locket App’s videos. Quick 3s POV with a strong hook to screen recording of the app:

It gets more interesting. If you look at this account: Charl111111e’s. It initially promoted Rayz, then shifted to promoting Demure, and later started promoting One Minute For God. Here’s what’s happening:

The group behind these apps seems incredibly fast at launching them. Rayz in July, Demure on August 20, and One Minute for God on Sept 1. Demure is a female-oriented version of LooksMax, while One Minute for God might have been created to ride the ChristianTok niche:

This team is executing today’s best strategy to rake in millions with single-feature mobile apps: They’ve mastered TikTok distribution to create a consistent top-of-the-funnel. Then, they churn out apps every week, riding trends faster than anyone else:

Retention doesn’t matter in this get-rich fast churn AI consumer mobile app strategy.

Social Growth Engineers