$20K MRR in 34 days GPT Vision Glam AI TikTok Strategy
> $20,000 MRR in 34 days
> Hit #5 on App Store (Lifestyle)
Glam AI’s (yes, another Glam) full TikTok marketing strategy:

Remember Glam Up?
Glam AI was launched a month ago by a different developer, and it’s competing in the same TikTok niche…
With the exact same content format:
Picture of a girl without makeup + slide right effect to makeup filter (and logo appearing at bottom)
Check Glam Up’s video:
I found 5 accounts posting the same type of video.
Girl + name on profile are not related at all with girls featured in videos:
And it gets even crazier, check this:
They are copying each other for the exact same hooks & captions:

Glam Up posts “I would be unstoppable” => Glam AI posts the same
Content is all repurposed, regardless of format.
Another format they’re doing:

Slideshow with before, after and screenshot of app w/ makeup routine + products.

=> 5.6M views, 593K likes, 1,582 comments, 84K saves + they comment on each other’s posts:
You can see all their accounts + stats on this page: