Lexy McDonald is the 22y old founder of Her Help, a wellness & girlhood app:
> 197,219,176 views over 5 accounts > 3,190 posts in 3 years => 3/day on average
Quick breakdown of her TikTok content formats:

1. Personal account tt@lexyxo 85,540,000 views (1,400 videos)
Faceful videos (self-recorded) with POVs and stories abt her life and creating the app
Tip: most viral videos incl silent face close-up + relatable text hook:
2. HerHelp main acc tt@herhelp 79,200,000 views (1,600 videos)
Similar format to personal account, but more focus on app
Most viral video is screen recording of male tech founders + hook “what we really need is a…” & mashup of “girly” founder work:
3. HerNews account tt@thehernews 32,433,000 (114 videos)
She shares (mostly faceless) content of news & pop-culture targeting girls
All viral videos are “the loop” = background of her face covered by wrap-up of celebrity gossip in white text:
Last 2 accounts have less than 50K views: > HerPod – clips of her podcast, but low views > HerHelpTeam – should be BTS content but only 2 posts
From my research she’s struggling to convert, but
> Testing multiple formats is the way to know what works
> She only got so many viral videos cause she continued posting 3x day for a long time (consistency again)
Then, I found a direct competitor : Diem App
Running an ambassador program with 10+ active accs, and interestingly also struggling to convert (6K downloads/mo)
Why I think that happens:
To me (25y old girl who finds the concept interesting):
It’s not clear through the videos what value either app provides vs just following and get all “girlhood” content for free on TikTok=> so no real incentive to take any action/download