#1 on App Store (Reference)
1,000,000 monthly downloads
$250,000 MRR
Bible Chat’s 20-month mkt journey to become the Alpha and Omega of Bible apps:

Bible Chat was released in May 2023 and is currently the #1 biblical app available.
It managed to stick at the top even with so much competition in the niche.
Their main account (tt@biblechatapp):
Has been posting daily for over a year now and raked up 103,700,000 views
I’d say around 90%+ are paid views. They boosted this one to 80.9M views.
This, likely other strategies, paid and ASO put them in top #10.
2 months ago, they toyed with an ambassador strategy:
tt@nessa.biblechat got herself 10,148,000 views
A great looking female creator posting every day.
20% of all videos outperform median by at least 10x:

This video has 3.4M views, 392K likes, 652 comments and 61K bookmarks.
At least 5 other videos reached similar engagement.
It’s a bulk recording format.
Creator can film 5-10 videos in one day (the purple sweater repeats itself 10 times).
For all I know, they hired a model to record hundreds of clips that they edit and post themselves.
Almost all videos are filmed in the car. Same concept.
She records herself smiling/laughing/shocked.
No script, no talking. Text hook + edit with in-app footage and you’re done.
best performing hooks:
“You’re telling me I never knew I could put a Bible verse on your lock screen?” 3.4M views
“How to put a Bible verse on your lockscreen (it changes everyday)” 3.3M views
“POV: You finally find that app everyone has that puts a new Bible verse on your screen every morning” 1.2M views
“You’re telling me I’ve been reading the bible for 15 years and just now found out about this app?” 834.3K views
(lock screen widget for the win).
They’re expanding this strategy:
I found 5 other female creator accounts (some were created 5 days ago).
Very fresh.
Find all accounts on this Shortimize collection:
- they also organically get content made by ChristianTokers (one corner of TikTok).
and i reckon they’ve also made paid some regular influencer posts.
The mix between all above + burning (cash) in paid ads pushed them to #1.
A spot, in an ultra-competitive vertical, that’s worth burning for.