Ranking #1 on TikTok Search w/ AI plant holder dropshipping
- in bulk recording, d2c, dropshipping & 2 more
Ranking #1 on TikTok Search gets you MORE traffic than ranking #1 on Google Search
Non brand search term. Exact same drop-shipped product:

These two D2C brands sell the exact same AI plant holder
Plantagotchi is the #1 result of “ai plant pot” on TikTok => they’re getting ~3.3K org traffic
Started posting in july (tt@plantagotchi) ~1 video/day => 20M views:

Plant Ivy is the #1 result on Google search for the same kw => getting significantly less traffic (~443)
They started TikTok 6 months earlier than Plantagotchi, but only got 2.7M views

Gen Z is shifting to TikTok as search engine
Ranking in the first results matters (especially if you have a dozen players with the exact same offer as you)