Social Growth Engineers

2 Apps That Reached >$40,000 MRR by Riding a Viral TikTok Trend

in AI, consumer, faceless & 1 more

2 min read

Color Analysis AI reached 58M views on TikTok and $40,000 MRR in just 5 months. Their competitor WhatColors did $60,000 MRR in just 6 months. Same market, same distribution strategy. Here’s their “secret” sauce:

Color Analysis AI was released in April. By May had 30+ TikTok accounts (@colorsanalysisai,@coloranalyses…) running the same content – and over 50M views. Here’s how:

Their slideshows, usually a celebrity on the cover looking bad (before) and good (after) + hook : They told me I was ugly, until… Sells bc people instantly believe they can look better doing it too.

Each post is done in <5 mins. Screenshots of app + CTA. Simple & good bc:

In 5 months the app reached 70K downloads and ~$40K MRR. Proving again that moving fast and riding a trend works (ref CloneAI).

But wait, also take a look at this Color Analysis AI competitor:

WhatColors follows the exact same format (with a slightly less effective hook imo). They have several accounts posting the same (@whatcolors.color,, …) all created in the same month.

In 6 months, they reached 70K downloads and ~$60K MRR:

TikTok trends move fast and new use cases & models for AI consumer apps are popping up every day. Stay updated, launch quickly and distribute it aggressively.

Social Growth Engineers